Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let it Flourish

I have a part-time job as a birthday party hostess at an indoor 'playgroud', and we have many arcade games for kids to play that give tickets that you can use to buy prizes.
One day, just shortly after I had been hired, a woman in a wheelchair with two kids (an infant girl and a boy, just a few years older) came in. They stayed for a while, the kids playing on the structure and the mother watching. After a while, the little girl kept on roaming towards the prizes counter where you can trade the tickets for the prizes. My colleague, knowing that they were regular customers carried the girl over the counter where she chose a tiny pink bouncy ball she had her eye on. The girl being very young just dropped the ball off the counter and watched it bounce away from her, rather disappointed. Her brother quickly said springing to his feet: " Don't worry, I'll get it". And I saw that no matter how many times that she dropped the bouncy ball, it rolled away or it got lost, her brother was right there by her side, helping her through everything. That was such a touching and sweet thing to witness.
That made me realise that not matter what age you are, you can show compassion, that its universal, almost like an unspoken law, or a key to society. I also noted that people tend to grow out of the compassion we have as a child, as life gets harder. We start to think more about ourselves and getting somewhere that we feel like we can't, or rather don't have the time to think about others.  As true as that may be, if just help others, without expecting anything in return, we might just make the world easier for that one person, and that might start a chain reaction, a that might just one day, change the world.
So folks, remember: you won't lose anything by helping someone else. You might not only help the world and the people in it, but you might gain something-- be it wisdom, knowledge, a new experience or a close friend, who knows. One thing is for certain though; good can do no wrong, and if it does, it will always, always work out in the end.

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