Saturday, October 23, 2010

Summer lovin', happened so fast.

Summer before last, I held a volunteer position at the National Gallery of Canada. There, I met tons of amazing people - including other volunteers and visitors.

One particularly memorable day was when I worked with a girl about the same age as me - let's call her Liz. After (somewhat awkward) introductions, we started talking about the strange encounters we'd had with the visitors. One of these events involved a man speaking to at me in Spanish, walking away in a huff without waiting for a reply, then returning and saying, "Miss, you gave me the wrong directions; the cafeteria is actually to my left."

Generally, people would hear this story and comment on how the man clearly did not know what he was doing. Liz, however, responded with "I love people".

That's what compassion is. Looking at people and appreciating their quirks, and choosing not to take things personally.

- F.


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