Monday, October 18, 2010

Spare Change Compassion

What do I need to do to be compassionate? Who do I need to be to become compassionate? How do I change myself so I can be a more compassionate person? But most of all, what is compassion?

These thoughts pass through my mind on my way to the doctor's office. Was it the simple gestures that most people do automatically-holding a door for an elderly lady, saying "bless you" after someone sneezes- that make you compassionate? Or were these things just common courtesies that you were "trained" to do as grow up? I decided that compassion is more than that, I started my day at an early 10:30am (early by my standards, I suppose) by filling everyone's parking meters on the street to the maximum. I figured that everyone has rough days and the last thing anyone wants or needs is a parking ticket. This was greatly enjoyed by my mother, partially because I carry around large amounts of loose change that she hates to hear clinking around, but I like to think it was mostly because the people I was helping would actually appreciate this, and possibly remember and decide to pass this gesture on. If not cost someone a parking ticket, at least I put a smile on someone's face, as I turned the corner and started walking away, I saw a man running to his meter to fill it, frantically looking in his pockets for change, when he saw that he had more than enough time, he smiled to himself.

I guess that compassion is like giving someone a gift. Whether it be the gift of life, the gift of loving, caring, hope, or a few minutes of free parking, everyone will appreciate it in the end.

Something that made me smile:


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