Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's not about you!

Compassion. One word that affects people on so many different levels. Compassion, I find is a term we use to describe that special moment when we can genuinely place ourselves in another person's shoes, and for once not think about the words we think for the majority of a day (words such as: I, me, my...) . Its a way a way of creating a stronger community.
Think of how much more we would get done and how much more easier life would become if we all decided to take a moment and think of the motives of the other person, and realize that we're all humans, with thoughts and feelings, with ambitions and aspirations. If we understood each other to the best possible clarity, think of how smoothly we can combine our ideas and voices to make a difference, a change for the good.
Also ask of you to think for a moment about your biggest wants, the things you couldn't live without, the people you love and who are close to you and all the troubles in your life. Now think of a person you don't know that well and think of how they too have a life of their own, with people they love, things they couldn't live without and maybe even something going on that's giving them a hard time. 
It shouldn't be so difficult then, for us humans to offer compassion, and treat ever body with respect, because we are all human (I know, finally someting new). I've learned in the past, that before I make a judgement about someone, I stop and think and try to see, not them in my world, but the world to their eyes. 

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